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Saturday, May 21, 2011
Been some time blogger! and i just feel like I need to write tonight. so here we go. i witnessed something tonight that reminded me and re affirmed in me my reasons for being an actor, and my reasons for surrounding myself with the people that i do.

The movie sin city had a character in it his name is Marv and he was a brute. And unshakable mass that had a crazed notion in his head that he would not be persuaded from. but he was passionate about it! to the point that he has a speech (and i call it a speech because it's something worth remembering in its context) where he talks about the days where you would do anything to protect someone and give up everything to avenge someone. This quest he is on ultimately leads to his death, though he is fine with because he finished what he set out to do.

At one point before Marv reaches his final moment he enters a bar and another character in the movie comments to himself about Marv saying something along these lines. "he would really be in his place back in medieval times on the battlefields swinging some huge battle axe around" What this struck in me was that it seemed as though Marv had lived through the ages. Dying and returning over and over as a warrior as a protector as an unlikely hero, a champion for those he saw deserving of his loyalty.

Tonight I experienced something like this first hand. I was at a rock show in Vancouver at the Railway club with a former teacher of mine from my School Creative acting program. I have, since meeting him, had a deep respect for him and the way he teaches. His teaching methods are profoundly unique and his character is nothing less than passion personified. I stood and watched as he reconnected with someone who was a true kindred spirit. The two men had never met before tonight, but they instantly knew each other as though through some pre ordained fate they were instantly aware of each other and the depths of their being.

As I watched the two of them speak to each other i began to picture them five six maybe seven hundred years ago, standing shoulder to shoulder, brothers in arms gazing over a field preparing for the coming fight. Armor heavy and hearts stead fast they talked about who would leave that field brandishing the most felled trophies, each knowing fully that this would be the last time, as brothers, they would see each other. the film maker in me hears the music playing in the background, sees them turn towards the other with the smile they always gave each other right before going into battle, be it as small boys or young men in a tavern defending one another. as they turned there heads back towards the coming fight each silently saying to themselves and their brother "this is not the end" swords readied they rushed off towards and unknown outcome because of their passion and beliefs in what they were fight for, protecting.

I don't know the reality of past lives, reincarnation and all that sort of stuff. I do however know about the reality of passion and goodness in someones heart. it is instantly recognisable and immediately welcoming. wile in the classroom with this teacher I was fortunate enough to witness the practical use of this passion and the way it fuels what I as an actor are poised to achieve or able to do. as one of the people who has shaped how i communicate with others, he has left a mark on me that few have and few will and if there is one thing that I continually come back to it is his passion which seems to come from a place so much older than he could have gained in one lifetime. It has inspired me and continues to do so which is why at 4 in the morning i can't seem to stop writing despite myself.

We all know that the people who we surround ourselves with define who we in turn become, but when you step back for a moment, observe them and really see why it is they will influence you the way that they do, you can really get a grasp on their worth, or for arguments sake their "unworth", as an actor I have heard that our roll what we are, are "active observers" so it is something I constantly work on and do. observing the people in your life though is not difficult it as simple as thinking back to how you interact with them speak with them talk about them. either way I'm sure there is something about someone just waiting to surprise you.

Now get outta here I'm going to watch sin city.

Busy Day.

Monday, April 19, 2010
After a kind of bummy week that sprung from me being sick, I am happy to say I am back on track. Because I feel a good as I do I decided to join Twitter, This is probably something later I will regret but for now I'm cool with it. Also and more importantly I have updated the overall look of the blog here, which brings with it a new look and links to other sites I am apart of. Take a look around see even more of what makes me who I am.

Stay Tuned for a new Bookmarked : the stuff I want to remember. Part # "Craigslist"

Now Get Outta Here.
and leave the banana Robochimp.


Hello Emotion.

Monday, April 12, 2010
Man am I ever starting to feel detached.
Don't know why I feel like writing an actual emotion on here right now but there it is. I feel like my humor just isn't sticking right now, that is certainly the least of it. I found myself brought almost to tears the other night for no seemingly good reason except a feeling of abandonment. I can't tell if it was justified or not. I think I have have set some sort of bar that shows me as one thing when really I'm the other, but it's never easy telling anyone that they have the wrong idea about your intentions and feelings toward something. Because it's become as difficult as it has to say this to people I have pulled away, unintentionally, and there comes my feeling of detachment. either way, I hope to see a friendly face over the next few days, go for a drink or have some pizza or maybe go see an orangutan.

Now get outta here...
Or not.

Bookmarked : the stuff I want to remember. Part @

Friday, April 02, 2010
We have all bookmarked a web page before, we do it regularly. But what are we really bookmarking do you put it in there one day to never look at it again or are they things you go back to regularly. I am starting a series I would like to called "Bookmarked : the stuff I want to remember" in this set I will be going down the list of bookmarked webpages I have on here and saying why I have them and a little bit of what they are about. So without further adieu. Here. We. Go.

Part @

Facebook. www.Facebook.com

What can be said about Facebook that hasn't already been said. I like, you like it, we are addicted to it and Farmville has made everyone a bona fide obsessive sleep losing gamer. But outside of all that it really is now one of the cool spots to hang out at. Just like back in high school, you can even count who's more popular, which is very important because privacy makes you a loser.

But let's not forget our roots Facebookians. Once upon a time there was a myspace but it has become the internets abandoned amusement park (as put by SNL's Seth Meyers) All that we have now in social networking can be mostly attributed to myspaces hard work, that like all good inventions was taken by someone younger smarter and more conniving to be improved upon to the point that we all forgot there was something before it. Not that I mind.

Facebook has truly redefined the way we see people and interact within out social circles (see, what can be said that hasn't already been said) So I propose this! Someone go out there and create a facebook app called the "Nostalgia button" that when you press it Facebook changes and looks like Myspace until you exit the app. In the top corner , instead of simply saying Facebook, it could say "MyBook FaceSpace!" Or (to keep it simple for you silly monkeys out there) "MYfacebookSPACE!" Boom done everybody loves it!

Now chop chop go out there and make it and credit me as the idea man, because I have no knowledge on how to make apps. Do that and then were all good.

Now get outta here.
And stop poking me!

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Bookmarked: The stuff I want to Remember. Part !

Thursday, April 01, 2010
We have all bookmarked a web page before, we do it regularly. But what are we really bookmarking do you put it in there one day to never look at it again or are they things you go back to regularly. I am starting a series I would like to called "Bookmarked : the stuff I want to remember" in this set I will be going down the list of bookmarked webpages I have on here and saying why I have them and a little bit of what they are about. So without further adieu. Here. We. Go.

Part !

Hotmail. www.Hotmail.com

It just makes sense for this to be one of my first bookmarks. it's the first thing I check when I get onto a computer for a number of reasons. The first being I really want to know if somebody loves me, you know somebody loves you when they e-mail you spam and viruses. But more importantly you must return that love with "Hey idiot stop sending me viruses!" and "Really! Did I really need to see two human being doing that!"

I have been using Hotmail for years now it was the first e-mail address I signed up for. It has been good to me, bringing me everything form love letters to hate mail, jobs to your fired and other stuff. Even though there are many other e-mail providers out there I have settled into a comfortable place with Hotmail and It doesn't seem to act up on me to much plus (knock on wood) I rarely get spam from e-mail addresses I don't know at all.

In the past I held a few other accounts one with g-mail and yahoo. Both had me for a wile but I simply wasn't a fan of either (g-mail was the better of the two though) There was one e-mail address that I had and had completely forgotten about until I started writing today, and for me it was probably the single strangest place to have e-mail. This really obscure place was and still is, called Tiggermail. Yes the Disney Character of the same name was bouncing into my inbox with letters of potential importance for a short time. There's not much there to see any longer but It still holds a place in my memory. But funny as it was it simply could not last.

Well that pretty much takes care of day 1 here. Now everyone please be mindful of your e-mail's, spam belongs in the the can not in my e-mail...or mouth, that stuffs gross.

Now get outta here.
I have to click this link in an email I got about a funny monkey in water!

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Sunday, January 31, 2010
I was at a party last night that was for all intents and purposes "off the hook".
Good people good personality's good looks. The people I have spent the last year with, the production team of 24pfilms. The party was a sort of unspoken kick off to our filming year as most of the cast and crew are finally back in the city together.

Parties have a certain dynamic and for the sake of brevity, I'm not going to get into the dynamic our parties usually have. Wile everyone is doing their drinking, charming and dancing everyone is creating themselves the group of people they will spend a majority of the night with. This is not to say that it is a clique just a simple matter of a common topic for the night. Keeping in mind that it is still a party sometimes things get...heated. In this scenario everyone involved is having their moment with someone else. I, from afar, watched as one person wanted so much to be included in all the nonsense that they overexerted themselves and in turn ended all chance of exactly what they wanted.

As I watched this begin get shaky and then end with a scolding, I was thinking to myself that the amount of enthusiasm was well placed but the effort put in went way to far. In an situation if you notice any proverbial toes sticking out that you could step on, hold back and count your losses. Seeing what could have been a great night for this young stallion dashed, because he couldn't see the boundaries he was crossing was disappointing. Unfortunately it didn't stop there, he interrupted a moment I had with a wonderful beauty, and it continued until he effectively alienated himself for the night.

Now this is someone I respect as an intelligent person but it seems as though he just doesn't understand where to be at times. Sometimes an ape needs to finish the banana, and if there are no more banana's left, move on. That night I was asked what my plan was by one of the guys, my response was a simple one "I'll stay as long as I'm needed" in a setting such as a party it may be the best view to bring with you. Stay as long as you are bringing something to the environment, otherwise you don't get remembered for the good, just the drinks you knocked over or the sore toes you gave.

Don't hold that thought to the nightlife situation only, it's easier to see it quickly happen in a condensed social setting, but staying as long as your needed applies everywhere. Here is a good little movie quote that says essentially the same thing. "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." from dark knight, since I know we all respond to the wisdom of movies much faster than almost anything else. if I could say anything to this stallion now, it would be to take a breath survey the land and see if you can make a stake on the property. If not, there are other plots of land out there.

Know your boundaries, know how long your needed. It's all a matter of observation.

Now get outta here.
And watch the toes.

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Friday, October 02, 2009
Love, We all want it, we all have it and we will always need more of it no matter how much we get. How do we go about getting it though? We find it in everything from nature to technology, from food to friends and from family to lovers as well as countless other places. It is an endless search, a trek across what seems to be and endless dessert, our bodies being dried out until we find an oasis. We stay and rest there, we drink from the cool water and take comfort in the shade. but the journey is not over until we have made it across the dessert to our final destination. To stay at the oasis, to live where it is simply easy, is to be okay with the fact that you had a plan, and once That plan became difficult to pursue you settled for something similar.

Settling, It could be applied to many things, In this instance I am referring to people and to love. Our search can bring about many moments of strange and beautiful things but how do you know if you a looking in the right or wrong place.

Isn't it wonderful when you can share a wonderful night with someone special. You take a wonderful stroll through the streets at night in the crisp air. During this walk playful glances are exchanged followed by heartfelt embraces. At the end of this walk you reach a door and before it is opened eyes and lips connect, smiles are exchanged, keys are turned. Music fills your ears, a dance that would impress the judges of a ballroom dance competition is held in secret, known only to those who participate. Hand's touch and fingers are interlaced, pulse and breath quicken, cheeks flush and the chest swells. Then a question is asked. "I'm sorry, what is your name again?" Reality snaps back. This is not your Jasmin and you are not her Aladdin, you are simply a baboon who had an extra cheeseburger and said the right thing at the right time.

A moment can be wonderful. It can also be very distasteful. Each situation will bring about a different reaction. As much fun as a fling can be, it can't hold a candle to real passion. a fling can come and go, but passion you can't keep yourself away from that makes you feel alive, nothing compares. A person who has inside of them something that draws out of you a fire and flare stays with you forever. this type of passion can always reignite no matter how many years are between the two of you. You see them and your soul bursts into flames and the passion flares up again. This romance novel encounter leaves you refreshed and poetic. Is the flame to hot though? does it open up to much? The truth is, it can. Very easily as well, to be consumed by the flame is not a new story. Understanding that flame and approaching it knowingly though, that can make the difference. You can be burned by passions hot tongue or you can embrace it and learn to dance with the flame. Tricky but talk to any fire spinner out there and they will tell you about the exhilaration of being so close to fire.

For now I'll leave off saying keep searching, keep Looking. You will know soon enough if the love you find is in the right or the wrong place.

Now get outta here.
I only have enough cheeseburgers for one today.

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I'm Brendon Halcrow From Vancouver, B.C., Canada Read the posts on my to blog you'll get a good idea of what I'm all about.
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